Who We Are
We service the local Mansfield area as well as having clients based far and wide around the country. We are a forward thinking firm with modern facilities and utilities that allow us to operate effectively within the current ever changing Australian Taxation system.
Natalie Davies
Natalie Davies (B.Bus, DFP, FCPA) has been a practising accountant for over 23 years and is a qualified CPA.
Natalie has vast experience working with small businesses and enjoys the challenge of helping client's businesses grow in the current economic environment.
Kerryn Gooding
Kerryn Gooding (B.Bus, DipEdTrain, MPA, FCPA) has been an accountant for over 28 years and has worked in Public Practice for over 23 years. Kerryn is also our SMSF guru.
Rowena Butler
Rowena is also a qualified CPA. Rowena returned to Australia after working for over 15 years in the UK at UBS bank and has turned her accounting brain back on to it’s original field of public practice.
Support Staff
Lauren Farrell
Lauren joined Macctax in 2022, having completed a double degree in law and psychology. She is now using those skills in the area of taxation law and enjoying the challenges of working in this new field. Lauren works primarily with Kerryn.
Annmaree Howland
Annmaree has been living and working in Mansfield for the last 18 years, moving from the heat of Darwin to the cool change of the High Country. Annmaree work primarily with Natalie and is able to assist with many enquiries.